Sunday 15 November 2009

LLM Trafik - Highway traffic image is usually offline during weekends!

Malaysia is well known for traffic jams along the highways and roads during the weekly peak hours as well as weekends.

There are many websites one can check on the traffic conditions e.g. ITIS, DBKL Traffic Status as well as LLM Trafik.

As I travel regularly on PLUS Highways during weekends, I am a frequent visitor to LLM Trafik. Just to check on the traffic conditions via its video streaming or still pictures. Those info can then assist me in deciding on alternative routes if traffic conditions are chaotic, which is usually the case.

My grouse is that LLM Trafik feature of its Traffic Status always consistently produce no images of the current traffic conditions during the weekend period. Sometimes I just wonder what is the purpose of LLM having this feature on it's website in the first place.

Wishlist: Garmin or Tom Tom with traffic updates!


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