Monday 23 November 2009

Celcom Malaysia 3G Internet Setting for Motorola Z10

These are the Celcom Malaysia's 3G prepaid internet setting for Motorola Z10

1) Go to Control Panel
2) Go to Internet Settings
3) Open Internet Accounts
4) Click Options
5) Select New Account
6) Select Data
7) For Account Name : Celcom Internet (U can put any name here)
8) For Address : celcom3g
9) Unmark User Name and password required box. Leave user name and password blank.
10) Click Options & Select TCPIP & Select IP config
11) Select Automatically
12) Click Options & Select TCPIP & Select IP DNS Address
13) Select Automatically
14) Click Options & Select Proxy
15) Mark Use proxy server box
16) Enter for Proxy Server address
17) Enter 8080 for Proxy server port. Leave the rest of columns blank.
18) Click Options & Save your settings.
19) Go back to Control Panel / Internet Settings / Internet Accounts
20) Highlight the new account internet name you just created, and click Options, Select Preferred Account.

Voila, you may now surf on Celcom 3G on your Motorola Z10.

Configurations are more or less the same on Motorola Z8 & Motorola Z3.

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Sunday 15 November 2009

LLM Trafik - Highway traffic image is usually offline during weekends!

Malaysia is well known for traffic jams along the highways and roads during the weekly peak hours as well as weekends.

There are many websites one can check on the traffic conditions e.g. ITIS, DBKL Traffic Status as well as LLM Trafik.

As I travel regularly on PLUS Highways during weekends, I am a frequent visitor to LLM Trafik. Just to check on the traffic conditions via its video streaming or still pictures. Those info can then assist me in deciding on alternative routes if traffic conditions are chaotic, which is usually the case.

My grouse is that LLM Trafik feature of its Traffic Status always consistently produce no images of the current traffic conditions during the weekend period. Sometimes I just wonder what is the purpose of LLM having this feature on it's website in the first place.

Wishlist: Garmin or Tom Tom with traffic updates!

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Thursday 12 November 2009

Must Have Applications for Motorola Z10

Must have applications installed currently on Motorola Z10

1) Swiss Manager 1.80 – It’s a task manager just like the ones in your pc. Let’s take for example you open an sms, the Message program is opened by your phone. But when you go back to the main menu, the Message program still runs in the background, taking up yr RAM space as well as draining the battery. Swiss Manager allows you to stop any unused applications running on your phone.

2) Opera Mini Browser 4.2 – Web browser.

3) Pdf+ Standard - To view Pdf files.

4) CorePlayer – To open & play most audio & video files. Also useful to view video podcast and to watch movies during commute to and from work.


Firmware currently used is the one from Singapore. It’s by far the most stable. I’ve tried all firmwares ranging from the original firmware by O2, Swisscom, Ukraine & Russian. The Russian & Ukraine’s firmware is similar to the one from Singapore, but Singapore’s firmware is somehow more stable. My Moto Z10 never had any problem after installing the Singapore’s firmware.


It came stock with a 1Gb Micro SD Card. I’ve upgraded it to an 8Gb Micro SD Card and works a charm. Need the space for all my video functions as well as storing my mp3’s. Based on motorola’s website, Motorola Z10 can actually be fitted with a 32Gb Micro SD card! But for the time being, I’ll still stick to 8Gb.

Have to admit that the video and camera quality is pretty excellent for a camera phone/camcorder phone.

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