Friday 24 April 2009

Celcom XPAX IDD Promotion - don't get conned!

Most of Malaysia's Celcom XPax users are probably aware of the promotion for cheaper IDD calls made by Celcom Xpax. The promotion of these so called "cheap IDD" calls would run through 31 May 2009.

Don't get conned! Tried calling a mobile phone number in the UK & whoomp, I was slapped with the old rate of RM0.88 per minute. According to the published promotion rate, it should've been 50% off, RM0.44 per minute for calls made to a UK mobile phone.

I've emailed to Celcom Customer Service on the inconsistency of their IDD promotion but 3 weeks have passed & still there's no comment or any kind of response from them. At least give me a refund, it may not be millions but it's still money man. But this is typical of the Malaysian Celcom's attribute, they don't really give a rat's ass about their customers. Perhaps in other civilised countries, customers are kings, but that phrase have yet to catch up in Malaysia.

Celcom, reimburse my overcharge call costs or stop publishing false advertisements.


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